So the birds were chirping, tulips were blooming and woodland bluebells were about to pop – Spring and love were in the air! Annie and Ben’s wedding marked the beginning of this glorious season when we all throw open our windows, bask in the sunshine and start smiling again. They wanted flowers that epitomise the zing of Spring and the uplifting sensations it brings so it was a cacophony of different buds, blossom, fragrance, colour and where traditional wedding floristry rules were disregarded.
Dulwich College was the venue and their ceremony was in the Old Library – a delightful and romantic gem and the DC team as always were a pleasure to work with. Pink cherry blossom and yellow forsythia greeted guests and the background for Annie and Ben’s wedding vows was a mantelpiece bursting with a vibrant collection of glass vases and clusters of ranunculus, delphinium, chamomile, narcissi, snapdragon and astrantia. These were perfect for moving to the after party in the Cricket Pavilion along with masses of tea lights.

Annie’s favourite colour is orange and this was woven into her fabulous wedding hair. Its boldness was tempered by a distinctly unique, feminine and unstructured soft pink bouquet of “Blush” lilac, snapdragon, astrantia and trailing heady jasmine. This was perfect for the tones of her intricate and delicate pale blue dress. An elegant wrist corsage for Catherine, posy for Leah and lilac wands for the little bridesmaids Willow and Naomi all embraced the theme of fragrance and stepped into Spring.

The whimsical fun of the male buttonholes which were all different and colourful and enabled a bit of mixing and matching depending on the tie and suit combinations. Ben stipulated buttonholes which didn’t look like buttonholes. So that’s what he got and judging by the photo of Ben and his best man Bradley he was very chuffed.

All great fun for the wedding party and for Stem too! Hurrah for Spring – for longer days, delicious blooms and beautiful trees. And for flowers that were as creative and eclectic as you could wish for. Thank you very much to Martin Sheen, whose photographs capture the colours and mood of the day perfectly!

Lots of love and congratulations to Annie and Ben!